2016. Vol. 4, no. 4. Rashid al-din

2016. Vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 868-880

DOI: 10.22378/2313-6197.2016-4-4.868-880



Research objectives and materials: The article presents part of the translation of the 2nd chapter of the manuscript. This part contains a genealogical tree of Jochi Khan (his descendants known to Rashid al-din). The footnotes present the Arabic writing of the names in the manuscript. The results of translation and analyses of the text of the manuscript could serve to various purposes: study of Rashid al-Din’s heritage, Golden Horde history, genealogical history of Jochi Khan and his descendants. The translation of the manuscript has never been published neither partly nor fully.
Research results and novelty: The genealogy of Jochi Khan’s ancestors in “Shu’ab-i panjganah” mainly repeats the information from Jami ‘al-Tawarikh, although additional data is also available. The genealogy of the descendants of Jochi in “Shu’ab-i panjganah” contains fifteen of his sons. In fact, there are 10 genealogical lines, since five of them did not have any offspring, or they are not known (these are the lines of Berke, Kukadzhi, Dzhilaraun, Mohammed, Shinkum). Jochi’s genealogy contains some notes regarding the succession to the throne in the Golden Horde: the name of the ruler of the Golden Horde is written in red ink, also sometimes the author notes that one or the other descendant of Jochi took the throne, indicating the order of succession to the throne. These notes offer two variants of succession of rulers; a comparison of the text of “Shu’ab-i panjganah” with the text of Rashid al-din’s main historical writing “Jami ‘al-Tawarikh” does not clarify the situation as, for example, Kukadzhi who is presented in one variant of order of succession, is absent in “Jami ‘al-Tawarikh”.

Keywords: Rashid al-din, Shu’ab-i Panjganah, Jami ‘al-Tawarikh, Compendium of chronicles, Chinggis Khan, Jochi Khan, Jochi Khan’s genealogy, Rashid al-Din’s heritage, Persian manuscript.

For citation: Rashid al-din. Shu’ab-i Panjganah. 2. The Mongols and the Turks (2). Trans. and comm. by Ch.I. Khamidova. Golden Horde Review. 2016. Vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 868-880. DOI: 10.22378/2313-6197.2016-4-4.868-880

* The end of the article. See the beginning in: Golden Horde Review. 2016. Vol. 4, no. 3, pp. 668–680. Foreword and comments by Ch.I. Khamidova.


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  5. Khamidova Ch.I. Genealogii Dzhuchidov v sochineniyakh Rashid ad-dina i Khafiza Abru [Juchids’ Genealogy in the Writings of Rashid al-Din and Hafiz Abru]. Golden Horde Civilization. 2016, no. 9, pp. 79–83. (In Russian)
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About the author (translator): Chulpan I. Khamidova – Post-graduate student, Sh.Marjani Institute of History of Tatarstan Academy of Sciences (5 entrance, Kremlin, Kazan 420014, Russian Federation). E-mail: zahragizza@gmail.com

Received September 7, 2016
Accepted for publication November 12, 2016
Published online December 20, 2016