2024, vol. 12, no. 4
DOI: https://doi.org/10.22378/2313-6197.2024-12-4
Mukhametzianova L.Kh. Tatar historiography of the epic “Idegey” pp.740-757
Zayneeva G.N. Nigmat Hakim in the dastan “Idegey” study pp.758-765
Fazlutdinov I.I. Variants of the tatar epos “Idegey” (in the Siberian area) pp.766-781
Ualiyev T.A., Kushkumbayev A.K. Studying kazakh versions of the legends about Edige pp.782-813
Sabitov Zh.M., Karatayev A.A. Epics about Idegei and His Relatives in the Epic Cycle “Forty Heroes of Crimea” pp.814-831
Iskhakov D.M. Historical realities in the “Idegei” dastan pp.832-857
Izmailov I.L. Idigey: a Historical Personality and its Assessment in Russian Historiography pp.858-872
Valiullina F.M. Religious motives in the dastan “Idegey” pp.873-887
Kemaloğlu İ. Research on the Epic of Edigey in Türkiye pp.888-896
Zakirova I.G. Nogai version of the epic “Edige”: review of versions and history of study pp.897-914
Anikeeva T.A. Pavel Falev and his “Nogai Legend of Idegey” (on the history of the epos study) pp.915-925
Aytmuratov J. “Edige” is the undying spiritual heritage of the Karakalpak people pp.926-933
Eshchanova G.A. On the study of the Uzbek version of the dastan “Idegey” pp.934-942
Khabutdinova M.M. The History of Creation and Promotion the First Consolidated Text of the Bashkir Folk Epic “Idukai and Muradim” pp.943-969
Umbetov N.A. Review of the II International Congress on the History of Turkic Statehood “The statehood of the Turkic peoples in the Chingisid era” pp.970-976
Giniyatullina L.S. Medieval monuments of the Lower Volga Region: preliminary results of the expedition pp.977-981