• 2024, vol. 12, no. 2

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.22378/2313-6197.2024-12-2


       Kalan E. Classical Era Mongolian History Writing and a Review of Mongolian Sources    pp.248-281

       Stavitsky V.V. The problem of locating the battle of 1223 between the Mongols and the Volga Bulgars    pp.282-291

       Astaykin A.A. The nine geographic notes about the campaign and battle on the Kalka River in 1223    pp.292-306

       Vorotyntsev L.V., Galimov T.R. “Poisoned” khans: the phenomenon of the sudden death of rulers in the mental perception of medieval Mongols    pp.307-319

       Kaziev E.V. Alans in the Southern Song campaign of Kaan and Emperor Khublai 1267–1273    pp.320-332

       Useinov M.A. Dated Muslim epigraphic monuments of the Solkhat/Kirim city and its environs    pp.333-355

       Pachkalov A.V. Finds of medieval coins in the context of the history of the Endirey    pp.356-363

       Grebennikov N.Yu. The chronicle article of 6869 (1361): its texts and their possible roots    pp.364-374

       Aksanov A.V. From Svyatoslav I to Ivan IV: milestones of gaining the reign in the mythopoeic images of the “Kazan History”    pp.375-382

       Galimov Sh.Kh. Medieval Settlement “Samar”: on the Issue of Analysis and Interpretation of Sources    pp.383-398

       Seidametov E.Kh., Sheykhumerov А.А. Tatars on the military service to the Ottoman sultans    pp.399-413

       Penskoy V.V., Penskaya Т.М. Crimean imperial “Project” in the 1st third of the 16th century: a “window of opportunity” open and close    pp.414-434

       Shikhaliev Sh.Sh., Shumkin A.V. Titulation of the shamkhals and karachi-beks as a heritage of the Golden Horde’s political structure in the Eastern Caucasus    pp.435-452

       Paşaoğlu D.D., Mirgaleev I.M. Extortions and fines of the Nogai family aristocracy, reflected in Ottoman documents    pp.453-466

       Atygayev N.A. Kazakh khans of the 15th–17th centuries in the scientific heritage of Shigabutdin Marjani    pp.467-478


       Tuleubayeva S.A. International conference “Golden Horde and its heritage”    pp.479-483