2016. Vol. 4, no. 4. Spinei V.

2016. Vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 734-766

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22378/2313-6197.2016-4-4.734-766



Victor Spinei 1,2
1 Al.I. Cuza University of Iași
2 Institute of Archaeology of Iași
Iași 700479, Romania
E-mail: vspin@uaic.ro

Research objective: to explore the characteristics and effects of the period of the Golden Horde domination in Wallachia and Moldavia.
Research materials: The impact of the Great Mongol Invasion of 1241–1242 on the Romanian regions was particularly deep, causing massive economic and political disruptions that inter alia resulted in the inclusion of wide territories outside the Carpathian arch into the Golden Horde State for more than a century. Naturally, this historical sequence raised a major interest in historiography, being the subject of numerous studies and monographs. Moreover, monographic volumes and various other studies that synthetically treat the events related to the Mongol conquests in Eastern and Central Europe also illustrate aspects regarding the Carpato-Danubian lands. The conclusions made by the historians interested in the above topics were mainly based, until several decades ago, on the information resulting from the Western and Eastern narrative and diplomatic sources. During the years that followed World War II, while progress was being registered in the field of medieval archaeology, numerous vestiges dated to the period of the Mongol expansion were brought to light, thus substantially enriching the topics related to the contacts between the autochthones and the invaders. In the current phase of research, comprehensive investigations regarding the history of the Romanians and the Mongols of the thirteenth–fourteenth centuries cannot be undertaken without a thorough parallel examination of the written and archaeological sources.
Research results and novelty: As everywhere in the invaded countries, the Mongol intrusion into the regions inhabited by the Romanians caused large damage demographically, economically and politically. Important goods were destroyed or plundered, causing disturbances within the economic life, particularly in the field of commercial exchanges. The capturing of the local inhabitants’ wide territories hindered the coagulation and consolidation of the local political formations. On the other hand, the Mongol presence in the counties of the Lower Danube area represented an impediment to the extension of the domination both of the Hungarian Kingdom beyond the Carpathian ridges and of the Bulgarian Tsardom north of the Danube. Pax Mongolica adopted throughout several decades on the Lower Danube area created conditions for the activation of commercial routes of continental importance, for the development of certain artisanship branches and for the occurrence of several urban character nuclei. In spite of the precepts imposed in older historiography, the idea that the Mongol domination in the Romanian regions also had positive consequences shall have therefore to be accepted.

Keywords: history of the Mongol Empire, Golden Horde, Transylvania, Wallachia, Moldavia.

For citation: Spinei V. Domination of the Golden Horde in Wallachia and Moldavia. Golden Horde Review. 2016. Vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 734–766. DOI: 10.22378/2313-6197.2016-4-4.734-766


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About the author: Victor Spinei – Professor Emeritus of the Faculty of History at the Al.I. Cuza University of Iași, Senior Research Fellow and Honorary Director of Institute of Archaeology of Iași (6, T. Codrescu Str., Iași 700479, Romania); Member of Romanian Academy, Corresponding Member of Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, Doctor Honoris Causa of the State University of Moldova in Kishinev. E-mail: vspin@uaic.ro

Received August 10, 2016
Accepted for publication November 25, 2016
Published online December 20, 2016