2017. Vol. 5, no. 1. Marie Favereau

2017. Vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 93-115

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22378/2313-6197.2017-5-1.93-115


Marie Favereau 1,2
1 Oxford University
Oxford OX1 2RL, United Kingdom
2 La Sorbounne – Paris IV
Paris 75005, France
E-mail: marie.favereau@history.ox.ac.uk

Research objective: to discuss characteristics of the relations between the Mamluks and the Golden Horde.
Research materials: Mamluk (royal biographies, official histories, chancellery manuals, inšā’ literature), Italian, Ilkhanid and Timurid sources.
Results and novelty of the research: the Golden Horde and the Mamluk sultanate exchanged envoys during almost two centuries. The reasons why these two societies enjoyed relations over the long run were complex and changed over time. This study shows that the Mamluk-Jöchid relationship cannot be considered as a single, long-lasting alliance, but as a succession of silent periods and active exchanges. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that it aims at clarifying the motivations of the successive alliances set between the sultans and the khans by reconstructing the chronology of these exchanges and carefully investigating key moments. The traditional views on the “Mamluk-Jöchid diplomacy”, described by historians as a loose entente, is here reconsidered and the internal situations of both the Golden Horde and the Mamluk sultanate are taken into account. This study gives an overview of the long relationship of the Golden Horde and the Mamluk sultanate and offers some answers to the following questions: Did the fact that Mamluks and Jöchids shared the same enemies remain the essential cornerstone of their diplomatic relations? Can we speak of a “foreign policy” that went beyond the personal investment of a single ruler? As a result of our research we came to the conclusion that the long-term relationships of the Mamluk sultanate and the Golden Horde had a strong impact not only on both empires but also on the whole inter-regional balance.

Keywords: Mamluk sultanate, slave trade, diplomacy, Genoese, Black Sea, Ilkhanids.

For citation: Favereau M. The Golden Horde and the Mamluks. Golden Horde Review. 2017. Vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 93–115. DOI: 10.22378/2313-6197.2017-5-1.93-115

*This study is the English version of my article in Russian: Золотая Орда и мамлюки // Золотая Орда в мировой истории. Коллективная монография / Хакимов Р.С., Фаверо М., Трепав­лов В.В., Миргалеев И.М., Хаутала Р. (ред.). Казань: Институт истории им. Ш.Мард­жани АН РТ, 2016. C. 334–353 [31].


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About the author: Marie Favereau – Ph.D. (History), Research Associate, Faculty of History, Oxford University (George Str., Oxford OX1 2RL, United Kingdom); La Sorbonne – Paris IV (1, Victor Cousin Str., Paris 75005, France). E-mail: marie.favereau@history.ox.ac.uk

Received  January 12, 2017
Accepted for publication  March 03, 2017
Published online March 30, 2017