2017. Vol. 5, no. 2. Nesin M.A.

2017. Vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 397-411

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22378/2313-6197.2017-5-2.397-411


M.A. Nesin
Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineer and Signal Corps
Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation

Research objective: To study the issue both of the status of Kasimov Chinggisids as well as of the attitude toward the service Tatars and the Tatars who were allied to Moscow during the reigns of the great Moscow princes Vasily II and Ivan III.
Research materials: Published and unpublished sources: books of official orders in the Russian state, chronicles, acts, diplomatic documents, etc.
Results and novelty of the research: This work is the first comprehensive study of this topic. The author comes to the conclusion that Kasimov’s rulers during this period were considered servitors, vassals in relation to the Moscow principality. This was facilitated by the demesnial position of Kasimov, which was considered part of the grand prince’s domain rather than a sovereign splinter of the Golden Horde. Kasimov Chinggisids did not have a large military force in order to create an independent khanate in the steppe capable of competing, for example, with Kazan, and they relied on the strong Moscow principality performing military service for it, receiving money for proper maintenance and obeying the grand prince’s orders. At the same time, Ivan III even considered the possibility of replacing Daniyar in Kasimov with another serving prince during his lifetime. In addition, the author shows how much the attitude towards the service Tatars and the Tatar detachments, who were allied to Moscow, differed in different Russian lands.

Keywords: Kasimov, Kasim, Daniyar, Nur-Davlet, Ivan III, Slatygan, Vasily II, Moscow Principality, Kazan Khanate

For citation: Nesin M.A. The Status of Kasimov Chinggisids during the Reigns of Vasily II and Ivan III according to Written Sources. Zolotoordynskoe obozrenie=Golden Horde Review. 2017. Vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 397–411. DOI: 10.22378/2313-6197.2017-5-2.397-411


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About the athor: Mikhail A. Nesin – Research Fellow, Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineer and Signal Corps (7, Aleksandrovskiy Park, Saint Petersburg 197046, Russian Federation). E-mail: petergof-history@yandex.ru

Received  January 26, 2017   Accepted for publication  May 12, 2017
Published online June 30, 2017