2017. Vol. 5, no. 4. Erusalimskiy K.Yu.

2017. Vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 866-920

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22378/2313-6197.2017-5-4.866-920


K.Yu. Erusalimskiy
Russian State University for the Humanities
Moscow, Russian Federation

The manuscript of the Czartoryskis’ Library in Krakow № 2893 contains, among other sources, the correspondence of the Crimean-Kazan Gireys with the kings of Polish Crown and Grand Duchy of Lithuania in Ruthenian translation (“prosta mowa”). The collection of letters springs from the Radziwills’ archive and can be dated back to 1524–1571 based on the reasons outlined in this article. The manuscript from the Warsaw Main Archive of the Ancient Acts (Radziwills coll., part II, № 3294) contains a part of the same correspondence, which is present in the Czartoryski manuscript № 2893. The author reinterprets the historical context of the Warsaw manuscript. The senders of the letters are Sahib-Giray (to Sigismund I, 1st: ca. 1521–1524, 2nd: June–July 1530, 3rd: September–October 1537), Safa-Giray (two letters to Sigismund I, spring or summer of 1524), Amin-Giray-Saltan (a letter to Sigismund I, September–October 1537) and Poland’s King Sigismund I the Old (to Khan Sahib-Giray at end of December 1537 or the beginning of January 1538). The latest-dated part of the Polish-Lithuanian and Crimean-Kazan correspondence in the Czartoryski manuscript contains the materials of Devlet-Giray’s diplomatic correspondence with Sigismund II Augustus, which sheds a new light on the Crimean march against the Muscovite state in 1571. These materials are contextualized and studied with respect to the new information they may provide on the history of Russian-Crimean relations (letter to Sigismund II ca. April 5, 1571 and Ardy-Berdey’s embassy ca. July 5, 1571). The author found a list of 27 towns devastated by the khan during the war against Moscow recorded in the embassy accounts of the Polish Royal Treasury at the Warsaw Archive. It was composed as a means of propaganda, but it reflects the marching route of the Crimean troops to Moscow and the ravaging of other Russian districts after Moscow had been burned on May 24, 1574.

Keywords: Crimean-Lithuanian diplomacy, diplomatic correspondence, Muscovite-Crimean wars, Gireys, Ivan the Terrible, Radziwills’ archive

For citation: Erusalimskiy K.Yu. Crimean Khanate, Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Russian State in 1524–1571: The Diplomatic Correspondence from the Archive of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Zolotoordynskoe obozrenie=Golden Horde Review. 2017. Vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 866–920. DOI: 10.22378/2313-6197.2017-5-4.866-920


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I would like to express my gratitude to the programs “Thesaurus Poloniae” (Międzynarodowe centrum kultury, 2012) and “Artes liberales” (Uniwersytet Warszawski, 2016) whose support was crucial for research travels to Poland. I am also thankful for remarks and corrections in the article to Alexander Vinogradov, Hieronim Grala, Alexander Kazakou, Vladimir Katz, Sergey Kisterev, Gediminas Lesmaitis, Karol Mazur, Maxim Moiseev, Janusz Nowak, Sergey Polekhov, Anastasiya Skepian, Natalia Slizh, Natalia Starchenko, Sergey Shokarev, Marek Janicki, Marian Jaskuła, Sergey Kashtanov and to all the participants of the latter’s seminar in the RSUH.

About the author: Konstantin Yu. Erusalimskiy – Dr. Sci. (History), Docent, Professor at the Chair for history and theory of culture at the Russian State University for the Humanities (6, Miusskaya pl., Moscow 125993, Russian Federation.). E-mail: kerusalimski@mail.ru

Received  July 7, 2017   Accepted for publication  November 24, 2017
Published online  December 29, 2017