2020, vol. 8, no. 4. Dzhanov A.V.

2020, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 675-713

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22378/2313-6197.2020-8-4.675-713


A.V. Dzhanov
National Conservation Area “St. Sophia of Kyiv”
Kyiv, Ukraine

Abstract: Research objectives: To provide an introduction to the scholarly circulation of an improved transcription and Russian translation of the Tatar-Genoese treaties dated to 1380–1381 which were concluded between the Golden Horde’s rulers of Solkhat and representatives of the administration of Genoese Caffa.
Research materials: The Tatar-Genoese treaties of 28 November 1380 and 23 February 1381.
Results and novelty of the research: This paper introduces the improved transcription and translation into Russian of the Tatar-Genoese treaties signed during the most difficult period in the Golden Horde history which followed the defeat of Mamai’s troops at Kulikovo and the subsequent ascension of Toqtamïsh Khan. The texts of the agreements are literal translations from the Turkic original into the spoken Ligurian language (dialetto). Some elements of the text reflect the standard form of the yarliqs (decrees) of local rulers of the Golden Horde which have been preserved, particularly within Venetian documents. The treaty of 1380 contains the name of the previously unknown khan of the Golden Horde, Konak-Bey. The main concession to the Genoese was the transfer of eighteen casalias (rural communities) of Soldaia and an unspecified number of casalias of Gotia. In the treaty of 1381, three casalias of Cembalo were added to the previous concession.

Keywords: Crimea, Solkhat, Caffa, Soldaia, Cembalo, Gotia, titam (titanus), Conac-bey Khan, lord of Solchat Iharcasso-bey, lord of Solchat Ellias-bey

For citation: Dzhanov A.V. The Tatar-Genoese Treaties of 1380 and 1381. Zolotoordynskoe obozrenie=Golden Horde Review. 2020, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 675–713. DOI: 10.22378/2313-6197.2020-8-4.675-713

Thanks: The author of this publication thanks Ilyas Kamalov for photocophy of documents and Roman Hautala for help in translating the Ligurian text.


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About the author: Aleksandr V. Dzhanov – Senior Research Fellow, National Conservation Area “St. Sophia of Kyiv” (24, Vladimirskaya Str., Kyiv 01001, Ukraine). E-mail: alexanderdzhanov@gmail.com

Received  August 5, 2020   Accepted for publication November 27,2020
Published Online December 29, 2020