2023, vol. 11, no. 3
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.22378/2313-6197.2023-11-3
Original papers
Halperin Ch.J. A new theory of medieval Rus’ terminology for Muslim Tatars: Batunskii’s Russia and Islam pp.504-520
Fidarov R.F. On some inaccuracies in translation of “The Secret History of the Mongols” by A.S. Kozin pp.521-531
Drobyshev Yu.I. Reflection of the Mongol imperial ideas in medieval Russian sources pp.532-550
Petrov P.N. Tamgha of “Guyuk” and the Juchids of the House of Orduids (the story of one mistake) pp.551-561
Vorotyntsev L.V., Galimov T.R. The “neccesary death” of the Grand Duke: on the question of the causes and circumstances of the death of Yaroslav Vsevolodovich in the autumn of 1246 pp.562-581
Göncöl Cs. Redactions and dates of the compilation of the Čingiz-nāmä of Ötämiš Ḥāǰǰī pp.582-591
Abzalov L.F., Gatin M.S., Mustakimov I.A., Pochekaev R.Yu. The jarlyk on appointment of amir-e tuman from the “Dastur al-katib”and status of temnik in the uluses of Hulagu, Jochi and Chagatay pp.592-610
Emanov A.G. Black Sea ports of the Golden Horde according to Castilian “Libro del conosçimiento de todos los reynos” of the 14th century pp.611-635
Maslova S.A. The tax terminology of the Short collection of Khan’s jarlyks issued to Rus’ Metropolitans pp.636-651
Sayfetdinova E.G. Tamerlane’s letter to the mamluk sultan Barkuk and Barkuk’s response letter to Tamerlane dated AH 795 / AD 1393 pp.652-661
Evstiunin V.A. New Horizons of the Medieval Black Sea Region. Book Review: Emanov A.G. Between the Polar Star and the Midday Sun: Caffa in World Trade in the 13th–15th Centuries pp.662-680
Moiseev M.V. On the organization of the diplomatic service in the post-Horde Chingisid states in the 16th century (Crimean and Kazan Khanates): “tets” and “bakshis” pp.681-692
Korchagin P.A., Samigulov G.Kh. About Takhcheia in the letter of commendation to Yakov and Grigory Stroganov dated May 30, 1574 pp.693-713
Giniyatullina R.R. Heritage of the Golden Horde Tatars: scientific events pp.714-718